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Features of smart speakers



Smart speakers are the product of speaker upgrades. They are a tool for home consumers to use voice to surf the Internet, such as ordering songs, shopping online, or understanding the weather forecast. It can also control smart home devices, such as opening curtains and setting the refrigerator temperature. , Let the water heater heat up in advance, etc.


Features of smart speakers

Smart speakers are the product of speaker upgrades. They are a tool for home consumers to use voice to surf the Internet, such as ordering songs, shopping online, or understanding the weather forecast. It can also control smart home devices, such as opening curtains and setting the refrigerator temperature. , Let the water heater heat up in advance, etc.


The representative products of smart speakers, Alexa behind Amazon Echo, and its predecessor Siri, actually belong to intelligent voice technology. Its core is very simple – let the machine have the ability to approximate human beings in the voice dialogue. Smart speakers have become a common existence of small household appliances and have penetrated into people’s daily life space.


Products need to be iteratively improved to ensure a stable network connection; for example, an exquisite speaker needs to be repeatedly adjusted to the appearance design; another example is that voice interaction requires a good sound collection effect, and the speaker itself will produce sound. When the smart speaker is awakened in the far field , it is necessary to eliminate the sound of the speaker itself; even the vibration at high volume will affect the sound collection, so the distance between the sound chamber and the microphone needs to be considered.


The problem of “split development” in the smart speaker market: it is actually a technical problem for the seemingly simple smart speaker to truly realize daily voice interaction. It is these problems that have slowed the development of China’s intelligent voice market, and the most influential one is the machine’s understanding of Chinese, which is what we commonly call NLP.

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