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What is a precision mold?



Mold refers to a precision forming tool used for batch forming, stamping and other products. Mold precision includes the precision of parts obtained in processing and the quality awareness of ensuring product precision during production, but the mold precision usually referred to mainly refers to the precision of the working parts of the mold.


What is a precision mold?

  1. Mold refers to a precision forming tool used for batch forming, stamping and other products. Mold precision includes the precision of parts obtained in processing and the quality awareness of ensuring product precision during production, but the mold precision usually referred to mainly refers to the precision of the working parts of the mold.


①. The concept of precision in mold processing refers to the degree of conformity between the actual geometric parameters and the design geometric parameters after the mold parts are processed and assembled.


②. The concept of precision in mold production refers to a thinking mode and a quality awareness gradually formed by the employees of the enterprise in the production practice to guide the production behavior of the employees. consciousness.


  1. The content of mold precision includes four aspects: dimension precision, shape precision, position precision and surface precision. Since the mold is divided into two parts, the upper mold and the lower mold, the mutual position accuracy between the upper mold and the lower mold is the most important among the four types of precision.


  1. The precision of the mold is for the precision of the product. High-precision products must be guaranteed by a higher-precision mold. The precision of the mold must generally be higher than the precision of the part by 2 or above.


  1. my country has been able to produce multi-station progressive dies with a precision of 2 microns and a service life of more than 300 million strokes. The multi-station progressive dies produced by individual enterprises can already be used on high-speed punches with 2,000 strokes per minute, and the precision can reach one micron. Coastal areas, especially Guangdong Province, are at the forefront of the industry in terms of the overall level of mold manufacturing in terms of quantity and quality, and the mold-making technology is close to the international level.


  1. The difference between precision molds and ordinary molds lies in their accuracy. Because molds involve a wide range of fields, different industries and fields of precision molds have different definitions. There is currently no uniform definition standard

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